Monday, December 13, 2010

Goodbye Europe!

This image seems to capture our life for the past 3 months. We feel like we have been non stop traveling, living out of suitcases, and on the go! We have loved every second of it, but are ready to get home to the things we love.
(Love= Sunshine, family & friends, America)
Europe has been good to us and we will miss our crazy adventure we've had but we cannot wait to settle down and make a home for ourselves again in Utah. 
The next few weeks are going to be wild and busy. Our week looks like this:
Tomorrow morning- fly to London at 7AM, 3 hour lay over, fly to DC.
We are in DC for less than 24 hours and squeezing in a fake Christmas with my family and packing our truck full of as much stuff as we can.
Wednesday- 5 AM start our drive across country to Utah and pray for no snow...
Friday- Hopefully make it in to Utah and move into our new apartment!! 
We'll spend the weekend moving in, enjoying all the missed yummy Utah food, and seeing some friendly faces!
Tuesday- fly to CA for a sunny and warm Xmas with the greatest family I know!! 
I love our wild and chaotic life right now and am so excited for the next chapter in our life.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, It's been so fun following your adventures :) I hope you keep blogging now that you're back in the USA! We should all do something sometime!
