Monday, November 29, 2010


 London was a blast! We were so excited to be with Brent and Sue and be with family again. We packed in as much as we could in 2 days and were exhausted by the end. We got to see two plays, Oliver and Les Miserable’s, which were both incredible! We got to go to a football game, Fulham vs. Manchester City, and it was so fun to be in such a rowdy environment! We did the double decker bus and saw every tourist site there was to see, walked through Hyde Park, West Minster Abbey, saw Big Ben, Parliament, the Eye, The Princess Dianne’s memorial, and the Tower of London with the Crown Jewels. It was one of our favorite weekend get always, probably because we were with family. Thanks for coming to see us Brent and Sue we loved every minute of it!
Craig and I also celebrated our 1 Year Anniversary on Sunday the 21st. We feel like the past 3 months have been one big celebration so we decided that all we needed was to be with each other on this special day and that would be enough. We ate a delicious dinner with Brent and Sue to celebrate and then flew back home to Edinburgh. I feel so lucky to have married Craig. This past year has been the best year of my life. I married my best friend. Life with Craig is always exciting and filled with love and joy. I love you so much Craig and cannot wait for many more blissful years of marriage to come.  

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


What we’re grateful for this Thanksgiving season… FAMILY.
We love our family.
We have missed our family so much.
We are so lucky to have such amazing families.
Some of our my amazing family members are coming to visit Craig and I for Thanksgiving and I am counting down the days.
Family is the greatest blessing in our life.
We meet up with Brent and Sue on Friday in London and then on Monday my Mom, Dad, Chris, Jess, baby Haddie, Matt, and Kourtney are all coming to Edinburgh for the week!
Can't wait to see you family, we sure love ya!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scotland Vs. New Zealand Rugby Game

The Scotland Vs. New Zealand Rugby game was probably one of the coolest experiences we’ve ever had. This game is unbelievable. The stadium was packed with lively, rough, and tough Scot’s men who loved their Rugby team. The fans were nuts! We loved watching this brutal game surrounded be the die-hard fans. The New Zealand All Blacks even did the Hakka dance before the game. Craig has wanted to see that for years! He does a pretty good one himself… haha. There was incredible warm up music to the Scottish bagpipes to get the team amped up! Sadly Scotland could not compete with the mighty All Blacks and got creamed. But it was an incredible experience!