Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our Adventure Called Life


We're moving to Scotland! Craig and I are so excited to start this new chapter in our life. We love how life opens up new and exciting opportunities like this one. Craig is going to be working with the Scottish Parliament for 90 days while I do BYU courses online. We are leaving on Tuesday to travel around Europe for 10 days. We will fly into Venice, Italy and then make our way up to Lake Como, Italy. After two days in Como, we will travel through Switzerland, ending our travels in Zurich. We will then fly to Scotland where we will make our little home. We are so excited, and we can't wait to get this show on the road. IF ANYONE IS IN THE UK IN THE NEXT 3 MONTHS YOU NEED TO COME BY AND SEE US! We will miss everyone so much, but we will be back for Christmas! We wanted to start this blog so that our friends and family members can follow our travels and life overseas. We feel so blessed that we have the chance to live abroad as newlyweds. I can't imagine a better scenario, than living with my best friend in a beautiful new country. We love you and appreciate all your support in our life, see ya soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I love your blog! I'm totally going to follow it!! I'm so excited!!
    Be safe on your travels! I love you guys so much!!
